19Friends 17Fans
female Roxas City, Philippines
whatever it is I am going through right now I just hope and pray it'' be over soon.. tired...
shamacharm says
13 years ago
I just simply wanted to be happy 2011..
shamacharm says
13 years ago
my heart jump so early in the morning!
shamacharm is
13 years ago
@ work so early in the morning..
shamacharm is
13 years ago
tired and sleepy!
13 years ago
miss plurk! Hello plurk again!
shamacharm is
14 years ago
still in the office testing the internet connections here..
shamacharm is
14 years ago
scared coz my heart is palpating so hard.. and its not normal..
shamacharm is
14 years ago
is never looking back coz I will never ever go back to him... (goodluck)
14 years ago
had a wonderful conversation with ne mae..
shamacharm will
14 years ago
go to bed early tonight! need to catch up some sleep..