okay this is dumb but when I've gotten the "good ending" in a multi ending game first, its really hard for me to replay it because I don't want to "ruin" things for the characters.
phone calls with my mother are always...something. Just learned about a traumatic thing from middle school that I apparently blacked out entirely? Like even listening to her talk about it I fundamentally do not recall the events she describes despite remembering most of that year fairly well.
Was it stupid to try and continue cleaning up bookshelves when I'm already having shortness of breath and have exertion induced asthma? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes. Is the job done? Also yes.
Todays house project, going through my older bookselves and moving anything that I havent wanted to reread or whose author has turned out to be shitty into long term storyage... Not fixing that typo, I like it.