Trying a new schedule at work to see if I feel better.
I think my Circadian rhythm has shifted. Sleeping later on the weekends, feel completely awful on weekdays if I don't sleep later.
Black sesame frozen yogurt: Tastier than you think. #yum
... and then I was inspired by game design. Who knew?
I think I may be coming down with a cold. Or PMS. Or both. Yay.
And then I spent the whole night link-crawling around Discovery News. Feeding inspiration, surely not goofing off >_>;
On a rare cloudless Seattle night, the SUPERMOON is gorgeous and amber colored.
All right. Time to stop fussing with video drivers (CoX still borked), and get writing.
Roma Exterra returned back to Sean. For the last time? We'll see.
This weekend: Roma Exterra Round 3. Finish Janus Syndicate (first draft). I can do this. But first, some DAO.