9Friends 108Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
VFX artist, educator, performer, futurist, social connector, DIY culture evangelist, anarchist Dada Buddhist biker punk. I eat concepts and make things.
sfslim says
13 years ago
It's like a Phildickian scramble suit for metadata. Indeed, consider adopting a scramble suit approach for all your datatrail anonymization.
sfslim says
13 years ago
The thinking being, of course, that absent metadata is more suspicious (and more easily flagged) than misleading metadata. #ReMetadater
sfslim says
13 years ago
Anyone at #28C3 wanna code this up? (If such a tool doesn't already exist.) The Club Mate is on me! #MetadataRandomizer #ReMetadater
sfslim says
13 years ago
Better still, replace the metadata with plausible but bogus data. Hrmm. There could be a useful drag & drop app here: "Metadata Randomizer"
sfslim says
13 years ago
A clever service, but also a cautionary reminder for honest folks w/ legitimate reasons for posting photos anonymously: SCRUB YOUR METADATA!
sfslim says
13 years ago
At TidBITS, GlennF reports on GadgetTrak's CameraTrace, a service that uses serial# metadata to find stolen cameras: t.co/ruojQwq6
sfslim says
13 years ago
Meet some of the amazing people we've showcased in Wikipedia's storytelling campaign: t.co/A7EZKp0P
sfslim says
13 years ago
Noted political monthly TheProspect looks at why Wikipedia relies on user funding & storytelling instead of paid ads: t.co/AvS5GVdZ
sfslim says
13 years ago
Co-authored by Raindrift & Jimmy_wales, this is the most practical & NPOV proposal for a Wikipedia response to #SOPA t.co/ewJMECNw
sfslim says
13 years ago
Your voice is needed! t.co/ewJMECNw Log in, click EDIT and add a comment in support of a Wikipedia black-out in protest of #SOPA