3Friends 2Fans
female bandar seri begawan, Brunei Darussalam
snoW says
15 years ago
we start skuling on 2nd march :-D getting bored at home.. bubye holiday (bye)
snoW says
15 years ago
sleeeeeeep (bye)
snoW wonders
15 years ago
whats with the silence here?
snoW says
15 years ago 1
gtg now.. (bye)
15 years ago
snoW loves
15 years ago 33
chocolate (tongue)
snoW says
15 years ago 2
benben.. y do u want to delete plurk? mun ko delete, aku cana? (angry). *hahahaha kiut emoticon atowh a*
snoW says
15 years ago 1
out (bye)
snoW says
15 years ago 4
i lost my voice i lost my voice (tears) i hate coughing
snoW is
15 years ago
signing out now.. bubye guys (bye)