39Friends 66Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
Medical transcriptionist, poly queer cis female depressive existentialist, not done yet
8 years ago
TMW you go to read a conservative blog and are immediately sorry as they misrepresent you and everything you stand for.
8 years ago
When you literally cannot avoid politics on Facebook even when you filter out the candidate names
8 years ago
Just got out of a bath and immediately played with ashes and grease. sigh Me am why I can't have nice things.
8 years ago
Don't assume a camper has a bump of direction
8 years ago
is this the origin of the mra?
8 years ago
And the final moment when you're going to adult and cook it right but immediately burn the oil and go back to microwaving.
8 years ago
That other moment when you're so hungry you're like after I eat these leftovers I'm gonna have food
8 years ago
TMW you hang up your ugly cat cardigan with your leather pants and are satisfied with your life choices
scyllacat wants
8 years ago
skin comfort but got politics
scyllacat hates
8 years ago
my husband telling me, Lou Dobbs got doxxed. Because that is how you cheer me up, by reminding me that my side sucks just as much