3Friends 1Fans
male Rockville, MD, United States
Web designer, podcaster (host and producer of Galactica Quorum podcast). Fan of sci-fi and all things digital.
scryber has
16 years ago
ZERO karma! woohoo!
scryber is
16 years ago
itching to record another podcast and go running. Both of which are a lot of work but very satisfying.
scryber is
16 years ago
facing a busy work week. But the podcast is done so that's one less thing on my plate.
16 years ago
just recorded Galactica Quorum #48 with Dimitry. It's going to be a great episode!
16 years ago 7
needs someone who can sing. Hoping to do a song bit in the next podcast.
16 years ago
got an email from Nicki Clyne thanking us for the interview.
16 years ago 3
finds it someone disconcerting when absolute strangers FOLLOW ME on twitter.
scryber has
16 years ago
people following him on twitter, and he never updates it.
scryber is
16 years ago 1
taking his son to work.
scryber is
16 years ago 1
used to seeing time moving in the opposite direction on the timeline in all the multimedia apps he uses, so this interface seems backward.