Survived the science fair. Now for the unhappy mommas and poppas over grades.
A quick check of science fair set up. All is good, I even called a couple of parents to make sure some of my stragglers do their projects.
Good morning. Science Fair is Tuesday. I think everything is ready!
Hey y'all. I got a clean bill of health from the surgeon today. He said I would be sore on the inside for about a month but that everything seems to be healing nicely.
Felt quite ill last night and this afternoon. Is this my body adjusting to no gall bladder or the dreaded stomach bug that is in town?
No volunteers to assist me in grading student assignments from who knows when???? The dining room table is covered.
Hello, slept from 10:15 to 1:30 today. Am getting to where I can sleep in my favorite curled up position lying on my side. Haven't slept well since the surgery because I end up lying like that and it hurts.
I finished reading Sycamore Row last night. Now I know why the title. I also can let Matthew McConaughey rest. Yes, I heard his voice every time I read something Jake Brigance said.
I seem to be recovering pretty well. I have been able to eat solid food today(soups and dumplings). Will add something more substantial tomorrow.