School was cancelled today due to the "possibility" of an ice event. Yeah I said possibility. Hello June 6th...I haven't ever gone to school on that date.
headed to the hospital for surgery in an hour or so. I am ready to get this over with. Thinking about it is driving me nuts.
Pre-surgery details taken care of. Lesson plans lined out. Students are looking forward to a skpe/facetime lesson later in the week. I kind of am too.
Surgery set for Tues. I have plans laid out for 3 of my 4 days expected absence. Amazing what I can get done if DS is occupied with other activities.
And my FB feed says Happy Kansas Day! If it is appropriate I wish it for all you plurk buds. If not just chalk it up to me being too lazy to look it up and see what it actually is.
Good morning. A visit with the surgeon is in store for the afternoon.
Good morning, good morning. I went to bed last night at 8:30 and didn't wake up until 6 this morning. Whew! I think I am ready to face the day.
Good morning, Sunshine. How many more days till spring?!