88Friends 255Fans
female Davao City, Philippines
We are a group of friends who find selling and reselling as productive hobbies. Please visit:

for more details. Thanks!

(unsure)nadagdagan na naman. obvious naman. (LOL)
66.55 nice. :-D
sarisariestoredavao wonders
14 years ago 4
why there are A LOT of fake plurk accts. on the list of "fans". (unsure)
Juicy makes my day. (LOL)
sarisariestoredavao says
14 years ago 5
Brothers Burger will have a busy day on the 30th because of this: https://images.plurk.com/4999289_703640129fa26cff3257b43d3c1251ab.jpg
sarisariestoredavao shares
14 years ago 5
How do you dump a fair-weathered friend in a nice way? (thinking)(LOL)