39Friends 28Fans
female Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Luvv cakes,luvv ice creams,,luvv puding,,luvv apa lg yaa,,yg manis2 de!
sarchella hates
14 years ago
cakit perut Q kambuuhh..T.T
sarchella loves
14 years ago
18 Januarrryyy..^^ cabarr..T.T (cozy)
sarchella asks
14 years ago 8
sarchella thinks
14 years ago
oq dunia tuh begitu kejam ya ma Qta?
sarchella loves
14 years ago 4
sherlock holmes.!.keren gg nyesel ntn tuh film!
sarchella hates
14 years ago
nobody..^^""..(i guess that nobody will believe it..hihihi)
sarchella wants
14 years ago 33
MAKANAN INDONESIA...ada yg mw ngirim gg??respoon please..whhwe..JLU all...enjoy ur holiday..^^ (music)
sarchella hates
14 years ago 4
nunggu d airport,n PSAWAT.!
sarchella feels
14 years ago 12 ada respon2 an oq py.T.T.........Responn apapun donk plurkerss...sepi neh!T.T
sarchella hates
14 years ago 10
to leave my tetep d jogja..T.T :-(