The dog is eating the packing peanuts -- the ones made from cornstarch. I know they're safe, but it's just weird.
been in an entertainingly bitchy mood. Y'all missed out in-world.
WTF, Marketplace. Why are you resetting all my listings to Adult maturity? They're APRONS, for gods sake.
having stability problems with the new Firestorm.
In-laws have been dropped off at the airport. Glory halleluiah. I love them, but houseguests are exhausting.
making directions for the coffeemaker, and maps of the neighborhood, and whatever, for visiting inlaws.
Also, I'm srsly considering just not plurking as a "status" anymore; instead just commenting on y'all's shit.
Thanks to 50 Shades, I've now commented on my grandma's FB page using the word porn twice. WTF.