982Friends 185Fans
female stratfort, ON, Canada
i have a BIG DREAM . and the dream will not be achieved without effort and hard work. I always follow the steps Justin Bieber. he's my inspiration. I love him. want to meet, and talk with him too. He always said NEVER SAY NEVER.
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 29
Bosst me please, i'll boost you back later :-)
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 27
Wondering if Justin Bieber is my boyfriend! LOL (LOL)
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 13
But I'm losing youu :-(
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 10
i need to go bye, keep respon me (rock) gws for me yeahh O:-)
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 15
this stomach ache kill me softly ;(
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 4
When you're not happy with your life, try find solution, not a getaway with smoke, drink, or clubbing. That's temporary one.
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago
stomach ache!! (sick)
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 2
Prayer may not change my problem, but prayer may change me to be able to face my problem.
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 5
I pray to God everyday
sarahBeiber❤ bilang
13 years ago 23
I wonder how people would react if i walked into Sea World with a Fishing Pole.