39Friends 29Fans
female Memphis, TN, United States
Uh yeah.
sar1e says
15 years ago 2
grrrrr husband's job may be changing his hours in January.
sar1e says
15 years ago 7
found dishes at Macy's. Yay. Now have service for 12 (way more than I need--but I figure husband and child will break some).
sar1e asks
15 years ago 34
where do I find decent, affordable dishes?
sar1e asks
15 years ago 9
Does anyone feel like going to Costco for me?
sar1e is
15 years ago 1
hungry. must start dinner
sar1e is
15 years ago 4
really tired of these nosebleeds.
sar1e is
15 years ago
so ready for a nap
sar1e is
15 years ago
back from Toys R Us. My husband is far more generous than I am. LOL
sar1e is
15 years ago 1
sooooo far behind, not sure I'll be able to catch up on my nano.
sar1e is
15 years ago
rearranging my farm in FarmVille (yay for expansions!!!) and listening to music.