grrrr I have to reach 6300 words today in order to try to catch up. I'm only at 4800. Gah.
leftovers for dinner, but I made dessert from scratch. LOL gotta have priorities, ya know. HAHAHA
good morning. I must get off my ass and go grocery shopping. The pantry is bare. LOL
omg my child is so grumpy today.
I should not be allowed to watch Man V Food. Now I want a hot dog with onions.
my lips are SO chapped. ouch
written 773 words today. Gah. It's better than writing NO words today. Still need 4000 to catch up. Oh well. Must start dinner now.
so far behind on her Nano. I really have to start writing.
okay, pork chops breaded and ready to cook, dishwasher started, returned books to library (didn't get anything new--didn't have the energy)