39Friends 29Fans
female Memphis, TN, United States
Uh yeah.
sar1e says
15 years ago
grrrr I have to reach 6300 words today in order to try to catch up. I'm only at 4800. Gah.
sar1e says
15 years ago
leftovers for dinner, but I made dessert from scratch. LOL gotta have priorities, ya know. HAHAHA
sar1e says
15 years ago 1
good morning. I must get off my ass and go grocery shopping. The pantry is bare. LOL
sar1e says
15 years ago 1
omg my child is so grumpy today.
sar1e says
15 years ago 3
omg 100 days to go. O_O
sar1e says
15 years ago 1
I should not be allowed to watch Man V Food. Now I want a hot dog with onions.
sar1e says
15 years ago
my lips are SO chapped. ouch
sar1e has
15 years ago 3
written 773 words today. Gah. It's better than writing NO words today. Still need 4000 to catch up. Oh well. Must start dinner now.
sar1e is
15 years ago 5
so far behind on her Nano. I really have to start writing.
sar1e says
15 years ago 1
okay, pork chops breaded and ready to cook, dishwasher started, returned books to library (didn't get anything new--didn't have the energy)