Just waking up. Now I have to figger out how to make coffee. With my eyes closed.
Amazing day yesterday. My lost camera returned - turned out I had left it at airport x-ray and they left it at admin. office. Very thankful
There's a big temple fair at the Wat next to my house - loud music, games and a bouncy castle that takes up most of the yard.
It's lunch time but my mind is so addled by a busy morning, I'm not sure what I want to eat, or even whether I'm hungry.
end of the work day. What shall I do after work? Probably go home and prepare for tomorrow's work. And so it goes.
Just had planning meeting on staff evaluations for this week.
Newspapers in Thailand reporting that many mountain areas are cold: 1 or 2 deg C overnight. Not good if whole family living in unheated hut
Monday morning already. The sunrise is making the atmosphere go red, silence broken by gongs from the surrounding temples.
The weekend went by too fast. I didn't finish the work I should have done. Shouldn't f
The weekend went by too fast. I didn't finish the work I should have done. Sleep first and I'll try to tackle it first thing in a.m.