58Friends 38Fans
male Cimahi, Indonesia
cowok, 18 tahun | muka rata2, kepintaran di atas rata2 (dikit) | audiophile | solo player | welcome to the mellow sides of me!

M Hanif Imaaduddin (@hanificung) | Twitter
iCung says
11 years ago 1
Simple nya mah, kalo udah attach, jangan ampe dettach men
iCung says
11 years ago
iCung says
11 years ago 1
It's not about the score, it's about passing the semester #ngaco
iCung says
11 years ago 9
kayanya 'orang yang galau berlebihan' perlu di tambahin di daftar yang 'gak disukai' nih -_-
iCung says
11 years ago
Why the hell i choose it -_-
iCung says
11 years ago
Yaaah, mending gausah komen dah
iCung says
11 years ago
Never show your weakness to your enemy
iCung says
11 years ago
M83 - Midnight City (music)
iCung says
11 years ago 3
Sumpeh dah tiap H-1 ujian selalu aja ada yang konser -_-
iCung says
11 years ago
akhirnya bisa juga tether usb pake vpn :3