86Friends 38Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Ron is a wonderful being born in a third world country and has no plans of leaving -- unless Hollywood realizes his magnificence. In which case, he could be negotiated. He despises syntax sinners to infinity.
Mickhail says
15 years ago
After Effects mode ulit!
Mickhail says
15 years ago
shut up. No one really cares.
Mickhail was
15 years ago
wasted last night. But ZOMG I love the **SOBER CLUB**
Mickhail says
15 years ago 1
good morning Plurk! :-)
Mickhail shares
15 years ago 12
ANY CLASSMATES? https://images.plurk.com/3401511_4295e246425b03c808315479986c9a34.jpg
Mickhail shares
15 years ago 4
Schedule: M 12-5 T 830-12 1-4 W 9-11 1-4 Th 830-4 F None! I don't have much breaks. Oh, I die on Thursdays! But I can sleep whole of Friday.
Mickhail is
15 years ago
hopeful that enrollment will not be an ass.
Mickhail says
15 years ago
was dizzy most of the day. Radiation wth.
Mickhail says
15 years ago 4
this day seems so bright. I love it! Good morning! :-)
Mickhail is
15 years ago
(sleeping). (bye), (heart_beat)!