-Lolita Kitty-
62Friends 117Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
-A geek slash tomboy slash whatever

-I have a very serious disease called Obsessive Gaara-Pein-Kakashi-Yondaime-Jasper-Hale Disorder

-I love my BFFs and Family plus pets.

-David Archuleta, Taylor Swift and Joshua Bell are my idols!
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
finally finished A Maths homework!! (party)
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago 1
my dad just threatened to cut my brother's jewels off if he tries to shoot my dad with the nerf gun. AHAHAHAHAH.
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago 9
my sister is convinced that I'm insane just because I talk to Norm.
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
dinner was...interesting. We had steamboat with porridge for soup.
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
I'm stuck with my A Maths homework. Again. D:
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
I'm so bored that I'm reading Bleach. Oh well. It's nice.
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
oh god. Ru Yang is trying to rap. x-x
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
I do NOT depend on my sister all the time. It's just that she's good at math. So I should have the right to sit with her in class. :-D
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
wheeee. finished d maths hwk. pwned my sis in it. :-D:-D:-D
-Lolita Kitty- says
15 years ago
I lazy do my D Maths homework. :-D