13Friends 4Fans
female Wadahommachi, Japan
..i'm the type of person w/ different personalities..hard to get..and difficult to deal w/, unless I trust u..

but don't worry..i'm not as STUPID as u might thnk..WEIRD as u picture or whatever..

I'm just a TYPICAL TEEN..
also known as ME..
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ hates
15 years ago
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ is
15 years ago
tired and bored!!
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ is
15 years ago
gud ebx!
bye guysss!! (highfive)
eat na muna ako ha.. (hungry)
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ is
15 years ago 9
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ is
15 years ago 1
gud ebbx guys!! (wave)
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ is
15 years ago
SSSOOO BUSY for this day!!! so many f***ing assignments and projects!! aaahhh!!! THIS IS TORTURE!! (angry)
§ⱥḯ_яỖ×ᶍ says
15 years ago
gud morning pipz!!