107Friends 334Fans
beyond, Philippines
Student | Frustrated Rockstar | Part-time Ninja Turtle | Blogger

README: alifeinrandomorder.blogspot.com/
rzfortajada says
14 years ago 3
Can't think --> Eat more --> Too full/lazy --> Can't think... It's a vicious cycle.
rzfortajada says
14 years ago
Three (resumes dropped off) + two (suprises in my inbox) = AWESOME.
rzfortajada is
14 years ago
nawawalan ng gana. Pero hindi pwede. Ano ba yaaaan. Bukas perky na ulit. ENERGY!
rzfortajada says
14 years ago 2
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I want to curl up in my room and sleep this BV off. Buuut, I can't. Damn you, responsibilities.
rzfortajada has
14 years ago
done nothing but eat on this vacation. Namamaga na mukha ko sa pictures, but what else is there to do? =))
rzfortajada says
14 years ago
Will be offline from later 'til Sunday. Vacation mode before the Great Stress-a-Thon in the coming weeks. Up up and awaaaaaaay!
rzfortajada says
14 years ago
Productive! 183 shoot: DONE! PR plan suggestions: SENT! And that super GV message about THE account. Now the break feels well-deserved. :-)
rzfortajada says
14 years ago 1
BREAKING NEWS: Makati Mayor Jun-Jun Binay confirms 10 workers killed in scaffolding collapse at ETon Towers in Greenbelt.
rzfortajada says
14 years ago
My neighbors are shrieking with laughter. At one in the freaking morning.
rzfortajada says
14 years ago 2
Sometimes I just feel like the world hates me. And I am often right.