Ryan Miller
149Friends 45Fans
male Spanish Fork, UT, United States
husband, father, son, brother, sports fan, music lover, movie buff, entrepreneur, way too big of a tech geek

Ryan Miller
16 years ago
Well, it's been real...Twitter is back up! Later!
Ryan Miller
16 years ago 3
Boy, haven't had a Twitter breakdown for this long in a while.
Ryan Miller
16 years ago 3
Alright I give! I'll freakin' restart! Stupid XP updates
Ryan Miller
16 years ago
I hate XP updates that require reboot...I'm right in the middle of working! I don't want to restart!
Ryan Miller
16 years ago
In Cali, means I can watch the Angels spank the Yanks
Ryan Miller
16 years ago 2
Who will the next Batman villian? Read this and Digg if you like digg.com/movies/Next_Bat...
Ryan Miller
16 years ago 8
Shameless request for Digg love! Who will the next villian be in Batman? ping.fm/LsPB5
Ryan Miller
16 years ago 3
Trying out Woopra (live site analytics) but I have to wait for approval :-(
Ryan Miller
16 years ago
"Remember, technology is a great servant, but a terrible master." Stephen Covey via ZenHabits ping.fm/F9gu4
Ryan Miller
16 years ago
The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo, the inspirations for the Joker ping.fm/QE6gd