48Friends 44Fans
female Canberra, Australia
User experience professional, information architect and interaction designer.
RuthEllison says
16 years ago 6
the Doctor Who Christmas special was good. Not brilliant. Just good.
RuthEllison is
16 years ago
off to Christmas dinner!
RuthEllison loves
16 years ago
how our fridge smells of cointreau chocolate tart! Can't wait to eat it tonight.
RuthEllison shares
16 years ago 11 Merry Christmas to all our friends and family. (party)
RuthEllison loves
16 years ago 14
my christmas pressie from hubby - a lovely piece of art work. Will have to take a pic and upload it.
RuthEllison is
16 years ago 2
getting angry again at Queabeyan Auctions. Kitchen installer is coming back to install kitchen handles - but we don't have the right numbers
RuthEllison says
16 years ago 2
listening to hubby trying to remotely troubleshoot his mum's tv pc issues via the phone is so painful. :-(
RuthEllison says
16 years ago 5
my right eyelid is still swollen. I think I must have been bitten by something during our dinner BBQ.
RuthEllison is
16 years ago 10
having a very late lunch after a few hours battling the xmas crowds at the shops.
RuthEllison is
16 years ago 8
awake, having breakfast and trying to plan for the day filled with work and social events.