Hearing noises when home alone and just accepting the fact you're gonna die
ღ๋ I DoN't KnOw WhY i LoVe U tHiS mUcH๋ღ
"I kNoW u NeVer cOmE bUt I m StIlL wAiTiNg 4 U"
It Hurts To Love Someone And Not Be Loved In Return
My phone is always in my hand,on my lap,at my side or in my pocket
OMG wrong person!CANCEL CANCELmessage sent Ok kill me now
Falling asleep thinking about someone you really wish was there with you
Aww! Your dating my ex? I am eating pizza, you want those leftovers too?
I love seeing your name appear on my phone when you text me
"A true friend is someone who says nice things behind your back."