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male Bidford, Great Britain (UK)
The Breakthrough that Changed My Life from Panic Attacks and Deep Despair to Idyllic Lifestyle is Shared on My Blog.
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RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
Sometimes, even your best friend can be too demanding, let them know in a warm and friendly way that you have something else to do.
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago 3
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. Frank A Clark
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don't. Earl Wilson
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. J. Morgan & E.Webb
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
They say that “Idle hands do The Devil’s work” but I think that an idle mind is far more dangerous!
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
How many Astrologists win the lottery every week?
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
"You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours." Yogi Berra
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
Everyone can and should help to protect fools. No one can help a bloody fool
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago
Learn the Exact Formula to Achieve Any Financial Goal With Mathematical Certainty from the gurus in ‘the Secret’
RoyAylmer says
14 years ago 1
Happy Valentines day to all