I tell you what: Nasionalisme itu gak segampang yg lo pikir (utk era skrg), lo butuh peristiwa yang sangat penting & you're on.
akhirnya mulai me-paksin-kan diri dah...
what's propofol anyway? kinda like stimulant/relaxant for me...
yea right, ngelag lg kompie gara2 krg spek...mo upgrade kompie rencana sblm lebaran...
"Krgnya Rp. 500-1000 membuat tol macet: I LOL'd for this.
Hands Held High = Ameeeeeeennnn...
the Led Zeppelin's STH, brings me memories...
a pleasure hrs before his bedtime (nah, there's no bedtime for me I guess...)
expecting Cin(t)a movie to be much wonderful than just a love story...