3Friends 59Fans
male San Marcos, TX, United States
i'm a psych major/music minor at Texas State, in my junior year. I am originally from Houston, Texas, I'm also a singer, a guitarist, a bassist, and a former photographer...
ro! wants
16 years ago
to sleep more!
ro! is
16 years ago
got 2 jobs! now to decide on the better one :-D hmmmm.... rue21 or american eagle? :-D
ro! is
16 years ago 1
pretty glad he quit his crappy job.
ro! is
16 years ago
so sleepy.
ro! is
16 years ago
feeling somewhat better, but still feels incredibly sick.
ro! is
16 years ago
going to sleep to get up early for his not so awesome job.
ro! is
16 years ago
really annoyed that his internal clock always goes off at 8 am now.
ro! is
16 years ago
tired of packing and cleaning.
ro! is
16 years ago
upset that he got up early. and needs to stop stressing.
ro! is
16 years ago
going to sleep a looooong time.