6Friends 62Fans
male Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
I have aims and dreams...and i'm not giving up!!! Lets rock it on!! xD
rockinxuan says
14 years ago
blast off~ duh... :'-(
rockinxuan says
14 years ago
pck the movie really dun worth a watch.
rockinxuan says
14 years ago
duh and duh~ (annoyed)
rockinxuan hates
14 years ago
tuition! (angry)
rockinxuan wonders
14 years ago
what is the primary importance in life.. (thinking)
rockinxuan hopes
14 years ago
there are hopes~ :'-(
14 years ago
just don't dare to say~ (unsure)
rockinxuan wants
14 years ago
to be better! (rock)
rockinxuan wants
14 years ago
to watch PHUA CHU KANG THE MOVIE!!! (rock)
rockinxuan says
14 years ago
dreamed that i slapped my laz year's seni teacher. haha~ i like it.. :-P