130Friends 77Fans
female AZ, United States
Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
rochambeau shares
15 years ago 27
my baby turned 7yrs old today. Time goes by way too fast... Happy Birthday sweetpea!
rochambeau has
15 years ago 18
finally recovered from this weekend's migraine misery. (goodluck)
rochambeau says
16 years ago 35
work crew has been in my house all day, so I haven't showered. Beginning to wonder if there's any point now. (unsure)
rochambeau shares
16 years ago 29
rochambeau shares
16 years ago 14
for fabuliz: (rofl) McDonald's Filet O' Fish Commercial w/Talking Fish
rochambeau wonders
16 years ago 27
WTH is up with *fish* today on plurk?! Fish, fish, everywhere, FISH! (woot)
rochambeau shares
16 years ago 19
Today is Friday!! (bye) Goldspot "Friday"
rochambeau says
16 years ago 13
I can't keep my eyes open. Guess that means I should go to bed. Good night... sweet dreams. (bye)
16 years ago 15
8yr old boy: Did you know my dad was alive in 1980? Me: 1980? Wow! He's old. Much older than me. 8yr old: I know. Totally. (rofl)
16 years ago 16
I have 45 mins - scratch that - 40 mins - to get something done I should have had done days ago. So... PYL my dear friends! (bye)