137Friends 178Fans
female Cleveland, OH, United States
I am a geeky fangirl. I love writing, reading, manga, anime and well anything most people consider geeky.
I am actually starting an anime website pretty soon.
and am now employed Wahoooo
9 years ago 6
gah...this weather, can I please give it back?????
9 years ago 1
this weather needs to figure it's shit out and decide to rain or not cloudy hot yucky days suck
9 years ago 3
crazy changes in weather here have kept me uber busy. making time to get some me time on the computer tomorrow
9 years ago
Hubby is OS most of today since it is rainy, so he will probably have doing something around the house on my half day off
Rachel says
9 years ago 2
May the Fourth be with you
Rachel says
9 years ago 3
Digital reminder to check the goceries in the morning that in my drunken state I put them where they belonged
9 years ago 8
Actually out for the night dressed like a human... who knrw
9 years ago 2
hubby decided to tackle the spackle in a spot on our room and didn't think about a dropcloth... and guess whose side of the bed it was
9 years ago 1
Got back from networking and the veggie washing to go to a funeral. When I got in there was white foot prints all over, oh the joy of sanding.
Rachel says
9 years ago 3
Just got in and finishing cleaning. I am cleaning because one of the guys is coming to sand the project hubby was finishing. Yup cleaning to make dirty. Resistance is futile.