40Friends 45Fans
male Durham, NC, United States
RichardC says
12 years ago 1
desperately needs some exercise...
RichardC says
12 years ago
Big gap between Big4 and the rest in men's tennis. Big gap.
RichardC says
12 years ago
Thanks Andy, it's been fun watching you.
RichardC says
12 years ago
I saw some great events in HK in early 2013, but I don't know whether I should buy tickets. Sad moment of a cheap labor in HK.
RichardC says
12 years ago 3
I want to go to BKK and Seoul but I feel like I have been traveling too much...
RichardC says
12 years ago
wow rafa pulled out of USO
RichardC says
12 years ago
another perfect game??!! it's getting too easy these days:-P
RichardC says
12 years ago
Paul Ryan. GOP Candidates like risks nowadays!
RichardC says
12 years ago
Too bad Haas fell short in DC. But I like the way Dolgo talked to Tommy during trophy presentation. Like taking to his big brother:-)
RichardC says
12 years ago
Roger for the gold.