36Friends 9Fans
female Binãn, Philippines
Art is my passion...

...but then taking up B.S. Information Technology.

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(from www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp)
You entered:Rowmil M. Peruelo
There are 14 letters in your name.
Those 14 letters total to 78
There are 6 vow
12 years ago
People tell you to stay strong, when they have no idea how hard it's to do so.
12 years ago
Fast replies make me think you actually wanna talk to me.
12 years ago
sign out :-) muna PLURK XDD
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
Ang Tumal !!!! :-(
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
Stress !!! haist.... :-o
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
(LOL) 16 ngaun ????? bukas 17 XDDDD....
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago 6
i will always love you until da end of my life :-)
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
wUShu...... <3
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
ahrjheiy says
12 years ago
hello !!!!! :-D