Tonight, I witnessed a miracle. They say it is rare to see a meteor within the same perimeter (the odds are once every 50,000 years). But a few hours ago I saw, for the second time,(the first one was during Holy Week) a blue green explosion of light. Just when I needed Divine assurance for the upcoming release of the Bar Exams results, God decided to awe.
Taehyung also earned my genuine affection. He reminds me of myself when I am confronted with conflicts against those older than me. Despite how old I already am, I would still vulnerable and would not second guess to release some lacrimal fluids once in a while.
Seokjin earned my undivided admiration a year ago but he earned my utmost respect a few hours ago thanks to Burn The Stage episode 4. He could have simply pulled the Hyung card and impose seniority but he didn't. Instead, he did what all elder siblings do, patiently understand the younger ones.
Dear Papang, Happy Birthday! I miss you a lot. I miss hugging you while you smell like baby powder. I miss sneaking into your room for a fix of Snow Bear. I miss your loving smile as you bring over a take out of my favorite wanton noodles. But, I am certain you are happier where you are with sweeter birthday cakes and cheerier music. Love you Pang❤
Finished my online course on International Arbitration Law. I am seriously considering to venture in this field someday especially in the Southeast Asian region.
I convinced myself to forego applying for the Department of Justice when I pass the Bar Exams until the present administration initiates significant change in status quo. I was already preparing myself for private practice. But Lo and Behold, Secretary Aguirre has resigned.