55Friends 15Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
resil bilang
15 years ago
i'm not blogger just tweet a lot
resil bilang
15 years ago
As a general proposition, no country has been more successful than Indonesia in bringing terrorists to account.
resil bilang
15 years ago
what do you want to be?
resil bilang
15 years ago 2
you look better on facebook (griltongue)
resil bilang
15 years ago
yudisium bikin riweuh
resil bilang
15 years ago 2
mf gak bs ikt ngondang
resil bilang
15 years ago
resil suka
15 years ago
semakin turun aja stats
resil suka
15 years ago
that you are not alone
resil suka
15 years ago
wooy mahasiswa jangan lembek lu ama rektorat!(quote:leaflet)(angry)