5Friends 1Fans
female Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
simple and crazy,
nice and sweet,
you'll be happy when you're with me.
ansaveeeh? haha. :*!/rencetut
rencetut says
13 years ago
If i would be given a chance to make a law
. . . . . .it would be the right to have you, Forever.
rencetut says
13 years ago
rencetut loves
13 years ago
you aiiy.
rencetut says
13 years ago
Wag ka MAGPA-GAMIT sa kanya,
. . . . . . unang-una hindi ka BAGAY, tao ka. k.
rencetut says
13 years ago
show me some love :-)
rencetut says
13 years ago
rencetut says
13 years ago
Kung ang MAKE-UP ang nagpapaganda sayo..
. . Bakit hindi mo subukang kainin para naman gumanda ugali mo! haha! SUPER bet :-">
rencetut is
13 years ago