now i don't wanna any emotion....just hope all can back before that we talked very happy....
i feel my head will be explosion......
Today after class, I go to Starbucks drink Caramel Macchiato. Then go to the Department Stores. Summary, it's very boring.......
something let me in the bad mood....... after the class, i want to Startbucks to drink coffiee.
i never sleeplessness. but today i'm sleeplessness.....
(這個不用英文了拉~~有同樣狀況的人要注意....別犯同樣的錯.....)靠....這兩天恍神太大了....剛剛洗澡前只不過做了個仰臥起坐....竟然恍神到做了幾下都不知道(大概破80吧).....結果立刻洗澡= =在浴室暈倒..幸好有開窗戶..(大概暈不到1分鐘吧....)
...1/25~1/29 choose a day to drive to Kenting National Park......that will be very tired.......
why am I such an idiot, always doing such stupid things??????????????