38Friends 19Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

― Leonardo da Vinci
黃藥師 hates
8 years ago
the field trip to the beach always cancel... (annoyed)
黃藥師 hates
8 years ago
最近是犯小人了吧!? 一堆鳥事,然後信用卡還被盜刷... (angry)
黃藥師 thinks
8 years ago
If you didn't experience no air conditioning in summer and no hot water in winter, don't tell me you have studied at Aerosim!!!! (nottalking)
黃藥師 thinks
9 years ago 4
two lessons a day is soooo fast. 8-)
黃藥師 says
9 years ago
The nonsedating antihistamines loratadine, desloratadine, and fexofenadine may be used while flying if, after an adequate initial trial period, symptoms are controlled without adverse side effects.
黃藥師 shares
9 years ago 1
Eric周興哲《以後別做朋友》Official MV [1080P]這首歌拿來做班歌真是再合適不過了! (LOL)
黃藥師 loves
9 years ago
Cyber Monday Sale (woot)
黃藥師 wonders
9 years ago 5
when will the school sent someone to fix the air conditioner (brokenheart)
黃藥師 is
9 years ago 2
ready for solo!! B-)
黃藥師 will
9 years ago
not eat fries anymore from now on. (doh)