4Friends 3Fans
male Somewhere I Belong, Indonesia
kritis, romantis, puitis dan melankolis..

Yellowcard - Only One Acoustic [Extra DVD Beyond OA]
reinaldorafael shares
15 years ago
NEW Linkin Park - Not Alone WITH LYRICS
reinaldorafael shares
15 years ago
Eternal Flame - Human Nature ( HQ Official Music Video )
reinaldorafael wants
15 years ago
to be able to play violin^^
reinaldorafael wishes
15 years ago
you guys a very good night^^
reinaldorafael is
15 years ago
bingung gara" bikin video.. zzz.. cm ngubah format aja nyusahin bgt..
15 years ago
's thinking something to plurk.
reinaldorafael hopes
15 years ago
ngelewatin karma ny maiank (tongue)
reinaldorafael wishes
15 years ago
to be the dodo whom keep his promises, and wouldn't do the same mistake twice :-)
reinaldorafael has
15 years ago
done another stupidity :-(
reinaldorafael feels
15 years ago
very guilty for those tears you've dropped.. is it why the air is damn cold here..? even saying sorry won't change a thing..