34Friends 34Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger.

Introduce a little anarchy…upset the established order…and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos? It's fair.
Joker shares
15 years ago
超好笑的-保鑣甄試 後空翻那段最好笑!!! (lmao)
Joker shares
15 years ago 1
Bungee Jump Fail - Man lucky to be Alive BUNGEE JUMP FAIL! Fall from 165 ft 超可怕!! :-& 結果他好像大部分挫傷跟內臟爆開.. 竟然還活得下來... anyway 我還是要去跳!!!
Joker says
15 years ago 3
Winter, a suited season for gaining weight! (hungry) (gym)
Joker says
15 years ago 5
Häagen-Dazs 月餅! 好吃但好貴..
Joker says
15 years ago 3
Penny Taylor 很正耶!! 不過他 6 ft 1 in, 163 lbs.. 整個比我大一號!
Joker is
15 years ago
69 (hungry)
Joker says
15 years ago 5
Joker says
15 years ago 6
下大雨了!!好煩.. 我要練肩膀啊!!! X-(
Joker says
15 years ago 17
Joker says
15 years ago 5
剛剛JAY讓我經歷了二頭地獄 超爽! 光是二頭就做了四種動作 我可以體會陳盛亦被我操翻的滋味了!! 前所未有的腫脹感~ (gym)