13Friends 4Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
Loves books, anime, chic flicks, and more books.
Someone who draws, writes, dance, and perhaps sings too.
Quite the introvert but becomes an outdoor type of person given the proper provocation.
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
kawat2 sa ta ug ol kay man lakaw mi unya
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
makasaput ug makaguba sa adlaw kung buntag sayu plng kay kasab.an ka sa usa ka butang nga wala nimo gibuhat. BUWiSIT X-( (angry) X-( what a great way to start a sunday morning (sarcasm)
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
tumblr y u no let me enter? :'-(
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
Hope deffered maketh the heart sick.
|Tainted~Dove| asks
11 years ago 2
What would you do with a friend that doesn't seems to treat like one of her close friends when in fact you are for a year already? :-(
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
A trouble shared is a trouble halved
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
me customizing my plurk for the first time ever..... Mana na jud last monday pa ko ani... :-))
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
Be strong..... I whispered to my.... Wifi connection :-D
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
What the- :-o can't get into tumblr :-( Noooooo :'-( (tears)
|Tainted~Dove| says
11 years ago
kana ganing moment nga naay mo.comment sa imo stat sa fb pero through message... ahak uie nganung dli mana ipakita sa uban nganung i-PM pa man.... dude pls (annoyed) X-(