220Friends 162Fans
male Váris, Greece
Life is not a race. Do take it slower and hear the music before the song is over.

Check my life in action @
RGB Connections Blog
RGBConnections says
14 years ago
shares: We are here to learn lessons, and the world is our teacher When we fail to learn a lesson, we get to take it again and aga
RGBConnections says
14 years ago
says good morning buddies! weeeeeeee :-D
RGBConnections says
14 years ago
says brain-lag...
RGBConnections will
14 years ago
will ascend 9,690 ft...excited! hahahaha
RGBConnections says
14 years ago
paita ba, malipong ko mghuna-huna sa akong experience sa sea dragon....hahahaha
RGBConnections says
14 years ago
says so happy together! good morning :-D
RGBConnections is
15 years ago
is addict of The Script....(music)
RGBConnections says
15 years ago
says meeting na pud, nagsige nalang meeting...murag daily routine na ang meeting...hahahaha :-D
RGBConnections says
15 years ago
shares: I live beyond the boundaries that confine the dreamers & the skeptics. I march past my fears & climb above the biggest obs
RGBConnections says
15 years ago
and I will miss the old road...