26Friends 36Fans
randomnotions says
15 years ago
sorry been awol for a while, lots of training learning new job
randomnotions says
15 years ago
shit i just lost my dog walker
randomnotions hates
15 years ago
that stupid IE won't let me have more than one gmail account open at a time
randomnotions says
15 years ago
i signed up on chemistry.com
randomnotions says
15 years ago
apparently i didn't log off my work computer last night
randomnotions feels
15 years ago
like skipping the gym today, i just feel exhausted
15 years ago
still has not eaten breakfast
randomnotions wants
15 years ago 2
to jump up and down and dance around
randomnotions says
15 years ago 3
randomnotions says
15 years ago
weird my ex is at my house and now apparently the cable company showed up for no reason