- i wonder what it says about me that I live & work 3 blocks from the beach, but it takes jury duty & "events" for me to see it in daylight?
- Big Love's season finale already? Booo!!! How I miss the glory days, when you could count on 8-9 months of glorious, nonstop drama!
- dear baskin & robbins: if you must make an obnoxious commercial again, can you do one that won't stick in my head 3 days after i hear it?
- first, i'm forced to play a PC's reindeer games; now Bill's in the hospital. ack! bad things come in threes. bracing myself...
- dear apple: thanks for valuing form as well as function. it's not usually important to me - until i open a new goodie & shriek "pretty!"
- it's on nights like these that I'm especially appreciative of my one-mile commute!
- ooooohhhh. THAT'S the "big game" everyone's talking about. Nice living in my own little superbowl-free bubble.
- the only thing better than starbucks at the grocery store would be coffee bean. Meds and hot tea. Yum.
- my goodness. it's been about 20 years since I've seen the words "tornado warning" referring to somewhere relatively nearby. stay safe!
- thunder in so cal!!! so rare & so loud! it may be raining & pouring, but no old men are snoring with thunder like this!