13Friends 7Fans
female Manila, Philippines
-D ARTIST kuno type...
-sometimes has feeling of belonging 2 d other world. FeeLinG VanGogh?..
-one with an infectious illness.. in a good way guys..
IM a MUSIC-HoLiC -- som1 who cAN't live w/0 well coordinated sounds.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
Whenever someone says "I like your shirt", you look down to see what you're wearing.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
You take your headphones out of your ears to see how loud it is. true!
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
why women always love bad boy when there's someone NICE beside her??
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
My ears always notice whenever someone mentions the name of my crush.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
You feel like a God when you knew something I shouldn't.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
You hate it when parents get serious about something funny you tell them.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
It's very annoying, when someone is trying to put your conversation on pause.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
Behind every bitch is the man who made her that way.
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
nakita ko na lahat ito .. pinahihiwatig ng mata mo ,. salamat nalamang sayo... ohohohohoh..
ralincornejo says
14 years ago
pst :-D elcetion fever ..