rindu suasana bulan2 ini waktu kecil; jauh terasa kekhidmatannya
am so tired and sleepy and really2 just wanna chill
really, not a single soul is 100% trustworthy, only those who admit they aren’t trustworthy.. may be considered to be entrusted with something.. cause not many can/would actually admit that they will betray u
dear Lord let me bare witness those evil people be given what they deserve once you allow me to be close to you.
the happiness of having a family, politics doesn't really matter once you have children.
let me win afterwards. Aamiin. Win together with them who understood.
lost all hope in my own country ☹️
want many things that I can’t actually have
may the force be with me.
Dunno if anyone else understands the feeling of becoming a minority among what is supposed to be the majority.