37Friends 65Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
wants to be rich and powerful..

to live happily ever after like the fairy tales...

to win an election:-)
to drive my own luxury red car..

to be a ** someday..
i don't want to have enemies :-)
stRAINE is
16 years ago 2
a bit prepared for the test
stRAINE is
16 years ago
nervous today
stRAINE feels
16 years ago
that she can't touch lives of other people that much..awwww... (tears)
stRAINE feels
16 years ago
she's a bit special..
stRAINE needs
16 years ago
help of her.... guess who...
stRAINE gives
16 years ago
a PoooooooooooooWER FART (dance) (dance)!!!joke..peace men!haha..
stRAINE hopes
16 years ago
that she will not go to paranque with her wicked....
stRAINE asks
16 years ago
who wants to gve me an internet card?haha
stRAINE wishes
16 years ago
to finish her research paper tonight
stRAINE says
16 years ago
the power of pink and the power of my hands to click.. (LOL) "linya ni doc Oc sa spdrmn2"