human disaster
123Friends 46Fans
female Gatineau, QC, Canada
Why does this exist???

Hello I'm Zia I do things???? okay bye
human disaster
1 years ago 2
[ff7 rebirth] no spoilers or discussion in this plurk because it's 4:30am and mistakes were made but I finished the game if anyone wants to talk spoilers ❤️
human disaster
1 years ago 8
[ff7 rebirth] no spoilers because I only just entered chapter 4 and am going to spend 18 more hours on side quests immediately but I need to say that after reading the discourse about Yellow Paint in the demo the fact that there was no yellow paint in one area which lead me to slowly lose my mind and go WHERE THE FUCK IS IT HOW DO I LEAVE is absolute cinema
human disaster
1 years ago 79
post game is me thinking about how broken the one piece canon is now oops sorry oda
human disaster
1 years ago 516
makes a lore plurk when i didnt make an endgame one because i just want to talk about ace (a constant problem)
human disaster
1 years ago 28
[ace voice] thank you for loving me
human disaster
1 years ago 31
human disaster
1 years ago 2
what a week. im still tired but im here for pcs
human disaster
1 years ago 10
I'm available for pre curfew PCs if you want aces no good bad week AKDNKGG but please set up <3 I am so sneepy
human disaster
1 years ago 13
human disaster
1 years ago 17
... pcs??????