akhirnya buat satu tulisan setelah lama ga nulis
senangnya habis dari Nganjuk.. ^^
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take out breath away."
"everything happens for a reason"
Camp di sini asik bget orang2nya trus dr berbagai macam daerah mulai dari papua sampai batam. Berharap nanti bisa kesini lagi. Insya Allah
"Don't forget with your friend always gether to gathel." haha TF banget!!
English is not skill but habit. tapiiii disini kebiasaannya 'nggojlog' n diajarin kata2 yang bner2 'fuck'. haha shake your dick! upz ^^
learnfromyesterdaylivefortodayhopefortomorrow. waktunyaoffline :=)
200 new responses? males ah liat satu2. wah plurk ga compatible sama mood ku. haha