13Friends 3Fans
female Whiskeytown, CA, United States
☆rebecca hates
15 years ago 6
ANNA KARENINA! i bet you she's gonna die in the end anyways like Frou-Frou
15 years ago
went shopping today (:
☆rebecca asks
15 years ago 39
ANNALIESE what she got for 13a, 14a, 15, & 16 on the chem hw, just to make sure ^^;;;
☆rebecca says
15 years ago 5
☆rebecca thinks
15 years ago 6
Marley & Me was sad when the dog dies D:
☆rebecca asks
15 years ago 37
Phuoc if we have any chemistry hw except the extra credit?
☆rebecca is
15 years ago 7
going to eat at Tofu House thanks to vivian passing her written test ^^
☆rebecca is
15 years ago 3
sad b/c her karma dropped D: stupid wedding
☆rebecca is
15 years ago 3
full from avacado smoothie & sushi <3
☆rebecca says
15 years ago 5
HELLO to Deanna :-D we must get your karma pts back ^^