70Friends 25Fans
female Bintaro, Indonesia
10 agustus, jangan lupa kasih kado ya semua ke gue hahahaha
Rafikha says
15 years ago
if you're going to talk about me behind my back,do me a favour, and while your back there,kiss my ass!
Rafikha is
15 years ago
playing restaurant city
Rafikha says
15 years ago 1
Makasih ya udh dateng ke mimpi aku, tp aku belom puas ceritanya. Makasih ya udh peluk aku. Kamu baik2 ya di surga I miss you
Rafikha is
15 years ago
Skipping PE class and chillin out with dhanya amila and vindy at junior school's canteen
Rafikha is
15 years ago 12
so sad seeing jade's fb and i miss her more than a lot, dateng ke mimpi aku ya malem ini je
Rafikha says
15 years ago
is there something wrong with d'masiv? they're my buddies, so what's your problem now? mind your own business biatch
Rafikha loves
15 years ago
tia maria hutabarat
Rafikha has
15 years ago
awesome best friends
Rafikha says
15 years ago 5
pilek kenapa ga berenti2 yaaaa
Rafikha is
15 years ago
waiting for my ex to pick me up yeyeyyee (dance)